Fitri Ya'akob (b.1996) is a multidisciplinary artist that focuses on human relationships and explores their philosophical nuances. She investigates the way relationships form, intermingles and influences each other as well as their environment in space and time.

Reflections of her personal narratives interwoven with spiritual elements and uninhibited, raw human emotions, her works are commentaries of various realities and lived experiences. She uses her works as proxies to expound on meanings, dualities, and in some cases, hypocrisies of ideologies and truths that have been made palatable. 

Fitri graduated from the School of Arts, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University with a BFA in Photography and Digital Imaging. She is also the recipient of the Kwek Leng Joo Prize of Excellence in 2019. Her works have been exhibited locally, and also at the 2019 edition of the Pingyao International Photography Festival in Pingyao, China.